Individual Programmes
Life Guiding is a combination of coaching and mentoring in which I guide clients though their life enabling them to overcome challenges, empowering them to believe, and leading them on to achieve and inspire. This may be to realise a dream, release a fear or become healthier and lose weight.
Using my many years of experience as coach and consultant I combine my skills as listener, supporter, motivator and trainer to empower you to
- Overcome challenges
- Achieve goals
Life Guiding is offered on a 1-1 basis.
ready programs for you
BIY – Becoming Incredible You
Deep down you know you are an incredible person but don’t know how to get there?
This programme takes you on a journey to discover, explore and optimise your life so that you can finally uncover the amazing person within. You will Become Incredible You and go on to inspire others.
The 3 areas of your life which control everything and which affect each other are health, finance and communication. If we are good in one but weak in another we can never reach our true potential. But by optimising our performance and excelling in all 3 areas the effect is huge and impacts all aspects of our life.
The journey to Becoming Incredible You leads you to
In each part we look at the different aspects involved, we explore what it means and how to achieve it, we get strategies and tools so that we get there. So that we have a map, a goal, a route and a vehicle to get there.
In this unit we explore and optimise your
• Physical Health (physical fitness, nutrition, rest)
• Mental Health (mental fitness, positive intelligence)
• Emotional Health
Financial Freedom means does not necessarily mean having huge wealth.
It means not having to worry about money.
In this unit we explore and optimise your
• Needs and Requirements (income/expenditure)
• Money Management
• Opportunities & Potential Income (entrepreneurship, results from “Amazing you”)
If we can communicate clearly, generously and effectively people respond better, relationships improve and life is simpler. Brilliant Communication is a life changer.
In this unit we explore and optimise your communication skills in all aspects of life:
• At Work (with colleagues, bosses, customers, etc)
• In Groups (clubs, societies and friends)
• Family (partner, children, parents, siblings)
This isi usually a 1:1 course
but can be done in a group of up to 8.
NEF – Harnessing Natural Energy Flow
Do you ever have that feeling that life is not going your way, that things are going against you?
This short programme reconnects you with the natural flow of energy allowing you to harness it so the energy flows work in your favour.
This work enables you to harness the natural energy force which is in alignment with your current state so that everything starts to flow for you and things start to happen and come together for you.
This is a 1:1 course only.